Project Approach
A. Project Objectives
In accordance with ABC’s Quality Manual and company policy, our objective on projects is to produce a product that meets the client’s specification, adheres to industry codes and standards, and is in conformance with the regulatory requirements. Hand in hand with this objective is ABC’s approach to safety. As stated in Policies and Procedures, both personal and public safety is of the greatest importance to the proper execution of all projects, and is given the highest priority. Lastly, our goal will also be to achieve this objective in a timely fashion, and with completeness and thoroughness.
General: All fabrication related issues including rounding edges, weld splatter, delaminating, etc., shall be handled by others (fabricator), per specification. Once ABC receives material, we will inspect it for fabrication deficiencies. If deficiencies are found, ABC will reject material or have the fabricator correct deficiencies at our plant.
Cleaning: Once the material has been accepted, all materials will be cleaned in accordance with SSPC –SP1, prior to blasting and coating.
Abrasive Blast Cleaning: ABC will check all steel that arrives at ABC’s facility, prior to blasting, for salt contamination using chloride testers. If the presence of salts are found, ABC will properly pressure wash the steel material prior to blasting, and retest. The cleaning is performed prior to blasting to prevent driving salt into the steel and contamination of abrasive grit. This is a requirement of NACE.
ABC monitors dew point and all relevant environmental conditions with Positector dew point meters (DPM). ABC follows industry standards. This monitoring is performed at the start of each work shift and after each work stoppage, such as breaks and lunch. Acceptance levels are that the steel temperature must be 5 degrees greater than the dew point of the air.
ABC performs a sieve analysis of the grit on a daily basis to insure cleanliness and abrasive mix design. ABC also performs a comparator test of the blasted surfaces to insure sharpness of the blast profile. The blast profile on the steel is another indicator of acceptable abrasive media mix.
Abrasives: ABC performs the required blasting per the specification with steel grit in accordance with ISO 11124-3.
Blasting Equipment: ABC’s blasting equipment will follow and adhere to the project specification and ASTM standard D4285. The production air is blotter tested at the beginning of each shift and after each shutdown, per NACE recommendations. In addition, ABC’s air system has inline moisture traps and air driers. Acceptance limits are having no contaminants found on the blotter test.
Surface Cleanliness: ABC will adhere to the surface cleanliness requirement in accordance with ISO 8501-1.
Surface Roughness: ABC will check surface roughness once per 100 m² of the prepared surface, with a minimum of 3 measurements, per operator, per day. Replica tape in accordance with ISO 8503-5 will be followed. The steel surface will have the following roughness requirements per the specification.
Dust Contamination: ABC will check and maintain a dust level not to exceed rating 1 in accordance with ISO 8502-3.
Soluble Salt Contamination: ABC will perform soluble salt testing, as required, prior to blasting to prevent driving salt into the steel substrate. The results shall not exceed a maximum salt level of 20 mg/m². This shall be measured in accordance with ISO 8502-6 and ISO 8502-9.
General: ABC will adhere and perform the required holdbacks and inaccessible areas as specified in this section. Any other areas not outlined will be brought to the principal’s attention for review.
Equipment: ABC has the capability of using conventional, airless, plural component, and metalizing equipment. This is dependent on the coating material being applied.
Access: ABC will provide all access possible to our applicators for a safe work environment. When coating most components, Jeffco stages them on open trailers at sufficient spacing for proper coating techniques to be performed, inspection and testing. These trailers also allow components to be moved around the facility with minimal handling and damage. All trailers have soft protective contact points to insure there is minimal coating damage due to handling.
Holding Period: ABC will coat blasted steel within 4 hours of surface preparation per the customers specification.
Masking: ABC protects all holdback areas with metallic heat resistant masking tape. If required other processes can be implemented depending on the configuration of the pipe spools.
Coating Thickness: The coating/lining thickness on the blasted steel will be in accordance with the customers specification and the product data sheet.
General: ABC recognizes and adheres to the quality assurance/ quality control measures set forth in customer’s specification. Jeffco will also follow our own in house requirements and manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure the proper methods and practices are being performed.
Quality Plan: Please see ABC’s QP3 for detailed information.
Testing of Coating: Some of the tests that ABC performs include coating appearance, adhesion strength, bend test, and water spray test.
Summary of Quality Control Testing and Acceptance Criteria: Per QP3.
Quality Records: As part of ABC’s standard practice, we use our QP3 Report as our Quality Records.
Inspection Personnel and Equipment: A list of ABC QC Inspectors and their Certifications are in Section Coating Inspectors. All equipment used for testing is serviced by the manufacturer yearly and calibration checks are done daily or whenever the equipment is used. The type of equipment and serial numbers are located are documented QA/QC Reports.
Final Inspection: ABC’s uses the QP3 Reports for documentation of all inspection work. Some of the items included on this form are date, job number, project name, client, inspector (ABC and Third Party), test equipment, calibration, serial number, specification requirements, environmental, surface prep, existing structures notations, coating application, coating data, other test data, etc.
Coating Repair: Per QP1, Section 4; Quality Control.
Storage and Handling: Per QP1, Section 4; Quality Control.